
A virtual seminar – Personal Evangelism At Home

Resources, Adults

The Covid-19 situation has made many people more open to talk about spiritual things.  How do we make the most of that, for their good and God’s glory?  How do we end up in conversations where we can point people to Jesus and what should we say when we do?  Jesus called us to be disciples, who make other disciples, but this is an aspect of the Christian life where we all need to grow.

On Monday, June 22 (7.45pm – 9pm), we’re going to host a livestream online seminar where Scott Maxwell, one of our members will do some ‘practical equipping’ and help us think further about how we help people we’ve connected to, connect to Jesus. I encourage you to make the time to be part of it.

You can watch a recording of the livestream below:

Interactive Bits

During the livestream, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions as well as participate by contributing to the discussion via polls. You can do that here:


You can view the ‘Personal Evangelism Planner’ below, or download it here
