
Help with a New Year’s resolution

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A new year means New Year’s resolutions!   A great one is: ‘this year I will read the Bible right through; a little bit each day’. The other week at St Mark’s  we were reflecting on Psalm 1 and we read about the person who ‘delights in the instruction of the law and on His law…

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The heart of Christianity

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The message at the heart of Christianity is infinitely rich and deep, yet so simple in can be summarised in a short animation.  If you want to get to the heart of what we’re about, have a look at www.three-two-one.org . If you’d like to explore it a bit more, just rock up one Sunday and start asking questions,…

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Summer Psalms

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Over the Summer holidays we’ll be looking at the prayer book of the Old Testament – Psalms. You’re invited to join us as we think about ancient wisdom for modern life. You can check out some of our previous Summer Psalms sermons over on our sermons page.

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Christmas at St Mark’s was great!

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Our Christmas celebrations this year were a real joy and encouragement.  It was a blessing to be reminded of just who has come into the world in the birth of Jesus; the saviour, the king who is God himself come among us.  We have such a fantastic king, who loves us so much and who…

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Yak@Mac – St Mark’s Youth Camp

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Yak@Mac is our annual weekend away for the youth of St Mark’s. This year the forge crew had a blast up at Lake Macquarie hearing from God’s word, having heaps of fun & hanging out together! We got stuck into 1 John from the Bible and considered the big question: “Am I Legit?”. It was…

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Does the Reformation still matter?

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This year we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Roused to action by the corruption and abuses they saw in the Church of the time, visionary pastors and leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin spearheaded a movement that sought to see the Church return to its biblical foundations. As far as they…

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