
Such powerful words

As I've talked with people over morning tea after church in the last few weeks I've had a number of...
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What would you do if you found a child at the bottom of a swimming pool?

Would you know what to do if a car accident happened right in front of you? At St Mark's Pennant...
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What a great afternoon!

Craig's Commencement of ministry service was held on Saturday Aug 2 at a packed St Mark's. Bishop Glenn Davies spoke...
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A special Saturday coming up

At 3pm on Saturday August 3rd we're going to hold a special 'commencement of ministry' service for our new Pastor...
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The end of the beginning

This week in our church , across all our Sunday gatherings we'll beginning a series of talks that focus on...
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Meet the new guy!!!!!!

Craig Schafer will be taking up the appointment of Rector of St Mark's from July 10, 2008. Craig and his...
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St Mark’s in the News.

We got a some free publicity this week. The Anglican newspaper Southern Cross ran a story on the website about...
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St Mark’s enters the world of web 2.0

God has been very gracious and has enabled us to secure the domain name stmarks.com.au (although given that you're here...
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What are those Sydney Anglicans up to?

Want to know what else is going on in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney? Easy Peasy; just visit sydneyanglicans.net and...
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