Sunday May 5 we had Bishop Glenn Davies with us at St Mark’s as a number of our members biblically expressed their faith in Jesus at our Confirmation Service. It was a great night. we’ll have Glenn’s talk and a photo or two up onthe website soon.
Keep ReadingMany people come to Revelation expecting it to be difficult, obscure and complicated. But in the opening paragraph it promises to be a blessing to those who read it, hear it and take it’s message to heart. My experience is that it keeps that promise! We’d love you to come and explore the very encouraging…
Keep ReadingGood Friday took us to the heart of who we are as a church and what we’re on about. If you want to listen to our Good Friday message, here it is:
Keep ReadingYou’re welcome any Sunday at St Mark’s. But Sunday March 24 we’re having: Church open house at all our gatherings and you’re invited. church explained along the way + a chance to ask questions Great kids’ program at 10am and 4.15pm church. Jumping castle, petting zoo & face painting after 10am service & before 4.15pm…
Keep ReadingWe can’t wait until July for a Huge Awesome Week for Kids either, so we’re having a special HAWK Preview Mega Afternoon on Friday March 22. We’ll explore the Bible, play some awesome games, make stuff and enjoy yummy afternoon tea. And you’re invited! The details are: For years 3 – 6 3.30pm – 5.30pm…
Keep ReadingMarriages are a bit like cars; if you look after them and do some proactive maintenance every now and then they are much less likely to break down or blow up! Keith & Sarah Condie have been married for over 30 years, have raised three children and have been running marriage enrichment seminars and courses…
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